

時間:2017-06-08 10:09來源:藍天飛行翻譯公(gōng)司 作(zuò)者:通航翻譯 點擊:

      北京藍天飛行翻譯公(gōng)司完成通航公(gōng)司比奇B300/B300C型飛機飛行員操作(zuò)手冊翻譯任務(wù) Beechcraft Super King Air B300/B300C Pilot's Operating Handbook Translation

      比奇B300/B300C型飛機飛行員操作(zuò)手冊(Pilot's Operating Handbook)的主要内容包含有(yǒu):

Airspeed Limitations.
Airspeed Indicator Display
Power Plant Limitations
Number Of Engines
Engine Manufacturer
Engine Model Number
Power Levers
Engine Operating Limits
External Power Limits
Generator Limits
Starter Limits
Fuel Limits
Approved Engine Fuels
Commercial Grades
Military Grades
Emergency Engine Fuels
Commercial Aviation Gasoline Grades
Limitations On The Use Of Aviation Gasoline
Approved Fuel Additives
Anti-Icing Additive
Fuel Biocide Additive
Fuel Management
Usable Fuel (Gallons X 6.7 = Pounds)
Fuel Imbalance
Fuel Crossfeed
Fuel Gages In The Yellow Arc
Auxiliary Fuel
Operating With Low Fuel Pressure
Oil Specification
Number Of Propellers
Propeller Manufacturer
Propeller Hub And Blade Model Numbers
Propeller Diameter
Propeller Rotational Speed Limits
Power Plant Limitations (Cont’d)
Propeller Rotational Overspeed Limits
Propeller Autofeather
Power Plant Instrument Markings
Miscellaneous Instrument Markings
Fuel Quantity Indicators
Cabin Differential Pressure Gage
Pneumatic Pressure Gage
Vacuum Gage
Propeller Deice Ammeter
Weight Limits
Center Of Gravity Limits
Aft Limit
Forward Limits
Mean Aerodynamic Chord (MAC)
Maneuver Limits
Flight Load Factor Limits
Minimum Flight Crew
Seating Configuration
Maximum Operating Altitude Limits
Maximum Outside Air Temperature Limits
Cabin Pressurization Limit
Systems And Equipment Limits
Rudder Boost
Landing Gear Cycle Limits
Brake Deice (If Installed)
Icing Limitations
Approved Airplane Deicing/Anti-Icing Fluids
Ottomans (350i) (If Installed)
Air Conditioning Limitations
High Definition Monitors (350i)
Avionics Limits
Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System (EGPWS) (If Installed)
Flight Management System (FMS)
IFIS-5000 Integrated Flight Information System
Terrain Awareness and Warning System Plus (TAWS+) (If Installed)
Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS I) (If Installed)
Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS II) (If Installed)
Weather Radar
Other Limitations
Cargo Limitations
Structural Limitations
RVSM Equipment (FL-840 and After; FM-54 and After)
Pilot’s Static Air Source
Altitude Display Differences
Altitude Reporting

航空翻譯 www.aviation.cn