
民(mín)航飛行翻譯合格證書 Certificate for civil aviation flight interpretation

時間:2011-02-27 13:09來源:藍天飛行翻譯 作(zuò)者:admin 點擊:

       民(mín)航飛行翻譯合格證書(Certificate for civil aviation flight interpretation)(簡稱飛翻證)由中(zhōng)國(guó)民(mín)用(yòng)航空總局統一印制,由飛行标準司頒發。它表明持證人通過飛行标準司組織的民(mín)航飛行翻譯考試且成績合格。

       This certificate is printed by CAAC and issued by the Flight Standards Dept. of CAAC. It indicates that the carrier of this certificate has passed Civil Aviation Flight Interpretation Test organized by the Flight Standards Dept. of CAAC.


      Certificate for civil aviation flight interpretation



Certificate for civil aviation flight interpretation 2
航空翻譯 www.aviation.cn
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